carry the one with whom you walk, to reach the one with whom you want to live".
Saint Augustine.
"Can you, like Zaccheus, look to see Christ, who wants to return to you
and to give you salvation. Remember that no one is too small for God and that
anyone can welcome the Lord and allow Him to change him." Benedict XVI.
do we want ?
We want to live a Christian life:
Contemplative by the desire to live in prayer with God, in the Garden where
lives the Tree of Life.
Apostolic by the desire to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the poor,
By serving them and praying with them.
spirituality can be summarised in these words :
We love
them in our hearts and we present them to Jesus crucified to let him
take them, love them, bless them and heal them.
"Hurry out to the streets and alleys of the town, and bring back the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame ..."(Lk 14,21)
the auspices of the Association KAMAL
KE DIL, the fraternity provides a physical and spiritual
presence in the field of service. At the moment the Fraternity does not have any legal status within the State or the Church. It depends today only on the Association which itself has a status. The Bishop of Perpignan, Mgr André Marceau, follows closely the development of the Fraternity and accompanies them spiritually. We have meet on two occasions Mgr. Patrick d’Souza, former Bishop of Benares in India. The first meeting with Mgr Raphy Mangali, the ew Bishop of Varanasi since June 2007 allowed us to present our project and to be integrated further in this young Diocese by a project of evangelisation in a Hindu environment. He wants to follow the progress of our presence in this holy Hindu city where we have been set up since May 2007. The Fraternity is there to help anyone to enter into the prayer of the Church, to live together in Christ crucified, risen, living among us and seen in the poor. We present you on this site (in french) the spirituality of the Fraternity, the outline of daily life, the texts of the Daily Offices, the Thérèse prayer group who pray for the volunteers and the poor, the library regrouping the texts of the Fraternity and the extracts from the words of the saints or of spirituality. Not having any official status, the Fraternity is only a gathering of people who desire to live a rule of prayer and service to the poorest. Without any engagement or obligation. (see the complete text in french of the proposed life of the Fraternity) The Fraternity is looking to set up a house in Bénarès for stability and where members might want to live there or relay there throughout the year. There is not at the moment any official member. Only Patrick the founder is there to help those who want to make an approach to the community for a short time or for a longer period. His presence in India is irregular for the moment, and it is preferable to contact him by email.
More information (in french):
- Lettre of présentation.
![]() Mgr Raffy, bishop of Varanasi
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